Thursday 5 January 2012


A few things that are going on include:

I'm reading Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad at the moment. Some people might know I don't enjoy reading books. Its an embarrassing ailment of mine not to be able to read a book....I used to be able to read them (I'm pretty sure I read Michael Crichton's insanely massive Jurassic Park in about 4 hours, give or take (please give)), but I just lost the ability. I know there's millions of great books out there - maybe that's part of the reason I don't want to get stuck into them? Too vast. Too daunting. My needs for fictional entertainment are met with my massive obsession with comic books, and hell, I like TV too. But books...can't do it. Except for this book because it's short (I'm an idiot) and its about money, which I like. Anyway, its fairly interesting, if a little...dated? But I like the idea it champions of getting out of the Rat Race and becoming financially literate. That sounds like fun. So we'll see if it inspires anything in me - I hope so...NO...I WILL MAKE IT SO.

To combat the fierce amount of possible learning that started happening, I also read some comic books tonight:

Invincible #86 which continues to be brilliant, and exciting and fun.

Detective Comics #4 by Tony Daniel, which continues to be ok but I kinda wish Tony Daniel would stop writing Detective Comics.

and Walking Dead #92 which continues at its crawling pace, but introduces the possibility of a coupla new communities - heading into some insane #100 meltdown, I imagine.

Along with that, I'm 17 hours into a game I never ever ever ever ever thought I'd like - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Something about that live action ad I saw spoke to said...'you may not care about dragons...or mages...or leveling up...but you will play me, and I will make you care'. From that moment, Inception-style, the idea fermented in my brain that I had to play it. I had to create a much more insane version of myself in a parallel universe, and I had to buy a house, have a wench, and make stew. I have a house now - still waiting to get stuck into the other two (lol!). In the middle of the night, not being able to sleep, we watched half an hour of Gameplay on Youtube on my phone. I think that was the moment we knew. Anyway, its bloody so brilliant, and a lot of my friends are playing which makes it even more fun. I didn't want to have to write this but here goes: Facebook statuses about Skyrim are currently almost as much fun as the game itself - that is to say - an unexpectedly huge amount.

OH and Leks has started tracking drums for the third Devil Sold His Soul album this week. He's done 5 songs in 2 days...slacker. I named a song after an Arnie film (working title) and I'm really hoping so much that we use the name, you have no idea.