Sunday 11 December 2011

a OWL! a OWL?! A OWL! ......A OWL?!!

This is a blog. It's called Things Can Only Get Worse because I said it to a friend the other day, and it made an impression on me. I'm writing a blog for a 7 reasons:

Reason 1) my dear mother thinks I can write. Anyone can write, so she's write(sic). More importantly though, I probably should write, because if I don't, then people might think I can't, and for an immigrant, that simply won't do!

Reason 2) whilst I thoroughly dislike computers, I enjoy being on the internet. But its always the same five or six websites - anything to do with Ice Hockey, Comics, Devil Sold His Soul, or my five-time-daily bank account perusal. I feel like a need another string to my bow...another weapon in my thoroughly un-awesome (as of yet) arsenal.

Reason 3) when I'm old (and my beloved would now doubt point out at this stage that I already am), I'd like to be embarrassed by the things I said, not just the at the way I looked. I've got that one covered, trust me.

Reason 4) I never did one before because I suppose I thought people have to care what you say and perhaps it should actually be about something in particular, and at this stage in my life I'm more of a Jack-Of-All-Trades (cliche #1) than a Master of one. I'll change that one day, and I look forward to it. Until then I'll feel happy in the knowledge that a certain TV show made a fairly substantial amount of readies without having to be about anything. Can't argue with that. Can you hashtag in a blog? I'm going to. #Seinfeld.

Reason 5) I sincerely intend to be more pro-active from this day forth, in all aspects of life! I know a man, the greatest man on the planet, but I want to be even better than him, and that's how I'll do it.

Reason 6) I watched a video on Talking Therapies today, and it seems to me that people hurt themselves unintentionally by not being able to express their feelings or thoughts. I don't need therapy at the moment, but perhaps if everyone found a little corner of the world (cliché =2) in which to say what they wanted, and get it off their chest, then they might be able to clearer navigate their way through a harmonious life...even if it is about Barbara Gordon getting out of the wheelchair after 21 years (real-time) and going back on patrol as Batgirl with NO EXPLANATION.

Reason 7) I'm too self-aware tbh tbh...time to relax and simultaneously get my head in the game (cliché #3). I'm not sure how a blog will help, but if it does, it will have been worth it.

ps. When I had a Myspace, my background was black. I forgot ,the password (not my first time) and vowed never to have a black background again. This time I'm going for 'ethereal' - hoping that the relaxed atmosphere will promote a thoroughly posi outlook on life at all times. Having said that, the dictionary defines 'ethereal' as 'Characterized by lightness and insubstantiality', so now I'm insubstantial. ffs.

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